England Squash membership update

England Squash membership

England Squash Membership is changing

England Squash Membership is changing on 19 August to better connect players, coaches and clubs, and unite the squash community.

The new scheme will provide a flexible and accessible gateway to squash that will support the game to thrive, allow more people to discover the game of their lives and enable more people to feel part of our unique community.

So what's changing?

Currently, your England Squash player membership is paid by the club which is affiliated to England Squash. From August, player membership and club affiliation will be split which means you will need to purchase your player membership directly from England Squash when our club affiliation is due for renewal.

When it's time to purchase your player membership, you'll be able to choose from five membership categories that offer unbeatable value including discounts of up to 70% off SQUASHTV. We'll support you with the transition and signpost you to where to sign up before your England Squash player membership is due to lapse.

Where membership fees goes

100% of England Squash membership fees are re-invested right back into the sport. Your membership will help to grow the game you love - from supporting clubs like ours to deliver ground-breaking programmes like Mixed Ability Squash to delivering 100+ competitive opportunities for juniors every year.

Find out more

The new membership is the most comprehensive way to compete, play, support and explore the game of squash - whatever your level. Find out more at englandsquash.com.

We’re pleased to share an update with clubs on the launch of the new England Squash membership and affiliation scheme this summer - with highlights including a confirmed implementation date and finalised membership category names.

Launch date

The new membership scheme will be implemented on Monday 19 August. With many clubs having an affiliation renewal date between 1 June and 1 August, we are extending these renewal dates to coincide with the implementation date. As we move closer to your renewal date, we’ll provide you with regular reminders.

Membership category names

We’re excited to unveil the category names for membership following consultation with clubs, players, counties and coaches. The categories will be named:

Your affiliation renewal

A quick recap of what will happen when your affiliation’s up for renewal:

List all your members now

From August, you’ll no longer be able to add additional members on your club dashboard. Therefore, we urge you to list details of all of your declared club members so that they can continue to receive all of their membership benefits, like insurance and league eligibility and be kept up-to-date with all of the changes to their individual membership. Log into your dashboard now.

Supporting your club

Our team are busy preparing a membership toolkit of graphics and messaging resources to help you communicate effectively with your members and signpost them where to buy player membership directly. We’ll share this with you in the coming days. We’re keen to support you any way we can, and if you have any questions or need more support, please get in touch.

We look forward to working together to make the transition as smooth as possible for you and your players,

The England Squash team